Buffalo Chicken Spaghetti Squash Boats

This week has flown by surprisingly, probably because it was really uneventful. Our lives went from being full of visitors, weekend adventures, parties, and craziness to static silence. I am not complaining. We definitely needed the break, but I am getting a tad bored. Jeff has been on his cleanse which seems like foreverrrr… Finally things pick up next week. I have a full course load starting and we have events on our calendar again. Woohoo! His last day of this cleanse is April 15th which was perfect because it is right before Easter, except he decided to extend it for another week. I am not sure yet why this annoys me, but it does. Maybe, it is because it puts a damper on our social life or I am getting tired of grocery shopping and cooking per the candida diet. Don’t get me wrong though I am so proud of him. This was a huge game changer for his health and could not be happier that he decided to stick with it. Maybe I will even have him do a guest post so he can share his journey for those of you interested. Needless to say I miss my dinner buddy, and look forward to the day we can both go dine at one of our favorite restaurants and bond over unreal food. We are true foodies at heart.

The most excitement this week in our household was Lambeau’s training progress. He is responding so well to our new methods. He is far from perfect, but I can see and feel this working! It can still be frustrating as it is extremely time consuming. I spend at least 45 minutes a day working with him…sometimes more. But for a well-mannered dog, it is so worth it.

Anyone else excited for Easter Sunday/Passover? This year I am really really excited for a few different reasons. However the #1 reason is because we get to eat homemade linguini with my mom’s signature white wine clam sauce. YUM!!! And dessert? I am making Banana Cream Pie…yep. Not wineabs, but I couldn’t be more ready. You need to splurge and indulge because life is way too short. Poor Jeff…he is going to be sitting there munching on lettuce while the whole tables slurps down delicious carbs…say a prayer for him.

 Buffalo Chicken Spaghetti Squash Boats

Who doesn't love Buffalo Chicken? We are huge fans of buffalo sauce in this house, so when I learned that Tessemae's made a buffalo sauce I was over the moon excited! All natural, and organic ingredients- yes please. Of course this dish works with any buffalo sauce too.  This is a super easy dinner for any night of the week. 


  • 1 lb chicken breast

  • 1 onion, sliced

  • 1/3 Tessemae's Buffalo Sauce (i prefer tessemae brand but if you cannot find it Frank's Red Hot will be fine)

  • 1 tsp garlic powder

  • 1 med spaghetti squash

  • 2 tbsp olive oil

  • pinch of salt and pepper


  1. Heat oven to 375. Cut your spaghetti squash in half lengthwise. Scoop out the seeds and lay skin side up on a baking sheet or baking dish. Let bake for 35 minutes, or until shell easily softens. 

  2. While the spaghetti squash is cooking, fill medium size pot with water on high heat. Once water is boiling add your chicken breasts. Let boil about 10-15 minutes (depending on the thickness). Then place on a plate and shred into tiny pieces. 

  3. In a separate skillet, heat the olive oil on med heat and add the sliced onions. Saute onions until translucent, then add in the shredded chicken, garlic powder, and buffalo sauce. Bring to a low boil and then put burner on low, cover and let simmer for 10-15 minutes.  

  4. Once squash is out of the oven and cooled, use a fork to scrape the flesh and create long strands. 

  5. Add the spaghetti squash strands to the skillet with the chicken mixture. Scoop chicken and spaghetti squash combo into the squash shells. 

    Optional: Top with blue cheese or mozzarella and place back in the oven for about 5 minutes or until cheese is bubbly.  

    Top with fresh parsley and MANGIA!